The Anna G. Gallos and Kenneth Ray/Maria V. Mitchum Scholarship

Purpose:  Liturgical music is an integral component of our worship; therefore, the Eastern Federation of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians scholarships are offered in memory of Anna G. Gallos and Kenneth Ray/Maria V. Mitchum to encourage the Greek Orthodox faithful to grow their abilities as church musicians.  It is our hope that recipients of these scholarships will offer their time, talent, and enhanced musical abilities to their churches as priests, psalti, or choir members/directors, accompanists to foster a deep and fulfilling worship experience for themselves and our congregations.

Our Two Types of Scholarships:

  1. For undergraduate and graduate students ($1000) majoring or minoring in music, with a focus on voice, piano, organ, conducting, composition or music education.  They must be currently or recently involved with their Greek Orthodox parishes as church musicians.  Their parish must be a current member of the Greek Orthodox Church Musicians for the Metropolis of New Jersey.  Scholarship renewals may be requested but are not guaranteed.  Click on the Guidelines link below for more detailed information.  Deadline is no later than May 1 of the current year.
  2. For continuing education (up to $500) to advance the musical development of current Greek Orthodox Church musicians in voice, piano, organ, conducting, composition, or Byzantine chant.  See detailed guidelines.  There is no official deadline but applications should be submitted as promptly as possible after the desired course or workshop is announced.

Applications for Undergraduate, Graduate Studies and/or Renewal must be received no later than May 1 of the current year.  Applications for Continuing Education are due ASAP after the requested course is announced.

Follow the links below for Guidelines and Applications.

Application for Undergraduates, Graduates and Renewal ($1000)
Application for Continuing Education (up to $500)


Donations to the Fund

Our scholarship fund relies on donations from you to provide assistance to worthy students. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution today. Donations may be made by check payable to "EFGOCM Anna Gallos Scholarship Fund" and mailed to:

EFGOCM Scholarships
129 Jeffersons Hundred
Williamsburg, VA 23185

Please direct inquiries to Mrs. Alexa Garrison or call 757-810-0807.